Gundam unicorn (8)
Monster girl quest (8)
Senko no ronde (8)
Gunsmith cats (8)
Muv-luv (8)
Log horizon (8)
Moetan (8)
Fire emblem seisen no keifu (8)
Dungeon meshi (8)
Futari wa pretty cure | futari wa precure (8)
Tejina senpai (8)
3x3 eyes (8)
The ring (8)
Kamichu (8)
Dr. stone (8)
Kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai | kaguya-sama love is war (8)
Atelier ryza | ryza no atelier (8)
Cooking idol ai mai main (8)
Cyberbots (7)
Gundam 0083 (7)
Rinne no lagrange (7)
Barakamon (7)
Machikado mazoku | the demon girl next door (7)
Akihabara dennou gumi (7)
Nagi no asukara (7)
Dorei to no seikatsu (7)
Tokyo afterschool summoners (7)
Nausicaa of the valley of the wind (7)
Machikado mazoku (7)
Fire emblem awakening | fire emblem kakusei (7)
Sanoba witch (7)
Mikakunin de shinkoukei (7)
Honzuki no gekokujou | ascendance of a bookworm (7)
Kampfer (7)
Tsukuyomi moon phase (7)
Tonde buurin (7)
Eyeshield 21 (7)
Baby princess (7)
Yuru camp | laid-back camp (7)
Kiss x sis (7)
Monster strike (7)
Kono bijutsubu ni wa mondai ga aru (7)
Kasumin (7)
Papa no iu koto wo kikinasai (7)
Dream hunter rem (7)
Superman (7)
Yosuga no sora (7)
Tactics ogre (7)
Days (7)
Dragon quest x (7)
Sword art online alternative gun gale online (7)
Sket dance (7)
Toaru majutsu no index | a certain magical index (7)
Gakkou no kaidan (7)
Kimi ga nozomu eien (7)
Dororo (7)
Waku waku 7 (7)
Super dimensional legend rall (7)
Atelier totori (7)
Togainu no chi (7)
Phantasy star online (7)
Agent aika (7)
Steel angel kurumi (7)
Trigun (7)
Tales of phantasia (7)
Figure 17 (7)
Netoge no yome wa onnanoko ja nai to omotta (7)
Black bullet (7)
Wild arms 5 (7)
Mawaru penguindrum (7)
Gantz (7)
Guilty crown (6)
Whistle (6)
Transformers (6)
Yuragisou no yuuna-san (6)
La blue girl (6)
Chinpui (6)
Spirited away (6)
Katanagatari (6)
Fist of the north star (6)
Future gpx cyber formula (6)
Robotics notes (6)
Beat angel escalayer | choukou tenshi escalayer (6)
Phantasy star portable 2 (6)
Tenjou tenge (6)
Dynasty warriors | shin sangoku musou (6)
Chihayafuru (6)
Initial d (6)
Saiki kusuo no psi nan (6)
Its not my fault that im not popular | watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga warui (6)
Ikoku meiro no croisee (6)
Ultimate girls (6)
Valvrave the liberator (6)
Buddy complex (6)
Sunohara-sou no kanrinin-san (6)
Tenshi no 3p (6)
Komi-san wa komyushou desu. (6)
Narutaru (6)
Maken-ki (6)
Licca vignette (6)
Kanojo okarishimasu | rent-a-girlfriend (6)
Darkstalkers | vampire (6)
Kuma miko (6)
Mahou tsukai no yoru (6)
Punishing gray raven (6)
Sono bisque doll wa koi o suru | my dress-up darling (6)
Dangaioh (6)
Bible black (6)
The girl who leapt through time (6)
Vampire princess miyu (6)
Yu yu hakusho (6)
The super dimension fortress macross (6)
Ruin explorers (6)
Ishuzoku reviewers (6)
Arslan senki (6)
Arc the lad (6)
Professor layton (6)
Tales of berseria (6)
Perman (6)
Knights of sidonia (6)