Black butler (22)
Suisei no gargantia (22)
Kochikame (22)
Oshiete galko-chan (22)
Tales of zestiria (21)
Dragon quest dai no daibouken (21)
K (21)
Fire emblem three houses (21)
Final fantasy vi (21)
Tales of graces (21)
Di gi charat (20)
G gundam (20)
Black rock shooter (20)
Shirobako (20) (20)
Blend s (20)
Ace attorney (20)
Darker than black (20)
Prison school (20)
Yakitate japan (20)
Vividred operation (20)
Nanatsu no taizai (20)
Hikaru no go (20)
Warship girls (20)
The legend of heroes | eiyuu densetsu (20)
Final fantasy (19)
Dennou coil (19)
Dramatical murder (19)
Hoozuki no reitetsu (19)
Air (19)
Historys strongest disciple kenichi (19)
Super mario brothers (19)
El hazard (19)
Honkai gakuen (19)
Ansatsu kyoushitsu (19)
Soul eater (19)
Shuffle (19)
Aquarion evol (19)
Resident evil | biohazard (19)
Macross delta (19)
Final fantasy v (19)
Shaman king (19)
He is my master (19)
Kobayashi-san-chi no maid dragon (19)
Hanasaku iroha (18)
City hunter (18)
Turn a gundam (18)
Onegai twins (18)
Fatal fury (18)
Inu x boku ss (18)
Girl friend beta (18)
Gotoubun no hanayome | the quintessential quintuplets (18)
Golden kamuy (18)
Made in abyss (18)
Sekai seifuku bouryaku no zvezda (18)
Powerpuff girls z (17)
Skies of arcadia (17)
Rumble roses (17)
Final fantasy viii (17)
Kimagure orange road (17)
Betterman (17)
Big hero 6 (17)
Persona (17)
Majin tantei nougami neuro (17)
Haiyore nyaruko-san (17)
Ryuuou no oshigoto (17)
Tokyo 7th sisters (17)
Batman (17)
Yu-gi-oh 5ds (17)
Lord of lords ryu knight (17)
Black cat (17)
Seishun buta yarou wa bunny girl senpai no yume o minai (17)
Fate apocrypha (17)
Qualidea code (17)
Virtua fighter (16)
Da capo (16)
Toriko (16)
Pia carrot (16)
Berserk (16)
Witchblade (16)
Prince of tennis (16)
Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai (16)
Final fight (16)
Fruits basket (16)
Yuyushiki (16)
Karakai jouzu no takagi-san (16)
Kiratto pri chan (16)
Kiniro mosaic (16)
Mabinogi (16)
Tamako market (16)
Angelic layer (16)
Gundam wing (16)
Inazuma eleven go (16)
Spider-man (16)
Kiddy grade (15)
Mai-otome (15)
Endless frontier (15)
Tobe isami (15)
Ro-kyu-bu (15)
Myriad colors phantom world (15)
Zeta gundam (15)
Tate no yuusha no nariagari (15)
Hidamari sketch (15)
Brave witches (15)
Uchuu no stellvia (15)
Death note (15)
Kimetsu no yaiba (15)
Esper mami (15)
Nichijou (15)
Tales of symphonia (15)
Zoids (15)
Fantasy earth zero (15)
Shinryaku ika musume (15)
Giant robo (15)
Wedding peach (15)
Maoyuu maou yuusha (15)
The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya | suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu (15)
Non non biyori (15)
Variable geo (15)
Cream lemon (15)